The County Government of Kisii invites competent and qualified persons to fill vacant County Executive Audit Committee Positions Pursuant to the provisions of Section 155(5) of The Public Finance Management Act,2012, Section of 167(1) The Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations,2015 and Gazette Notice No.2690 dated 15th April 2016.
TENURE : Members of the Audit Committee shall serve on a part time basis for a period of three years and they shall be eligible for re-appointment for further final three years’ term. Subject to performance review
REMUNERATION : Allowances payable to the Chair and members of the Audit Committee shall be determined by the Salary and Remuneration Commission (SRC))
Written applications enclosing current Curriculum Vitae, Copies of Academic and Professional certificates and ID card should be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to :
The Ag Board Secretary
County Public Service Board
County Government of Kisii
P.O Box 4550-40200, Kisii.
So as to be received on or before, 14th February 2025
All applicants are required to obtain clearance from the following
i. The Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI).
ii. The Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).
iii. The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).
iv. The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).
v. Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).
Only qualified and shortlisted candidates shall be contacted and any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification Shortlisted candidates will be required to produce their original National Identity Cards, Certificates and Testimonials during the interview
Kisii County Government is an Equal opportunity employer, Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities and other Disadvantaged persons are encouraged to apply.